博彩平台网址大全 Product Replacement (U.S. Only)

Please select the appropriate form below.

Only Specialty Pharmacies should complete the Specialty Pharmacy form. Site of Care centers who have purchased product directly from 博彩平台网址大全 should complete the Site of Care form.

Requests for product replacement using the forms below are intended for a U.S. audience only.

We’re here to help.

For assistance, please call
Monday-Friday, 8AM-8PM ET

Specialty Pharmacy Information

NOTE: If you are a hospital-based Specialty Pharmacy, please complete the Site of Care form

Patient Information

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Specialty Pharmacy Attestation On Behalf of the Patient

I declare that the information in this form is true and correct.

My patient has requested replacement medication because the Product our pharmacy dispensed to the patient has since been rendered unsaleable by the patient through unintentional, unplanned circumstances. The patient explained to me as follows (please check all that apply*):
I certify this was an unsolicited request and that the patient informed me that they have not used any amount of the unsaleable Product and that (please choose one*):

() For multi-unit packaging configuration, the unused Product pack will be returned to 博彩平台网址大全 or the entire Product pack must be destroyed.

If 博彩平台网址大全 approves the patient’s request for replacement medication, I shall communicate to the patient that (i) the replacement medication will be provided to the patient at no charge, (ii) there is no purchase requirement associated with the patient’s receipt of the replacement medication, (iii) the replacement medication is not intended as a reward or inducement for the purchase of any product, and (iv) the patient may not resell or transfer the replacement medication to any other individual or entity for any purpose.

By entering my name below and submitting this form, I hereby attest that the information provided in the form above is true and correct.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB.
Please upload a single image of Product damage, if available, (jpeg, gif, png, pdf format only, not to exceed 5 MB in size) or check the box to confirm that no photo of Product damage or impairment is available.
No photo available